Friday, August 17, 2007

Something Borrowed ~ Very Early Evening Thoughts

Forgive my silence over the last couple of days, but things have gotten a little out of hand over the last 72 hours. While not completely in a bad sense ... just in an exhausting sense. Of course, there will be some stories to tell about what happened, but for tonight ... I'm going to borrow from an article that really meant something to me the other day:

The Facebooking of America by Suzanne Fields:

Every generation is sure that its social and cultural trends are here to stay. When history moved slowly before the dawn of the electronic media, it might have seemed so. But with instant communication through cell phones, fax machines, e-mail and Internet meeting places, such as Facebook and YouTube, cultural trends accelerate dramatically. The future as imagined by Generations X, Y or Z is easily blown away by the high velocity winds of change.

You can read the entire article --->here<--- ~ I would have reprinted the article, but I couldn't get permission. I think you will enjoy it as much as I did being of ...ahem.... a certain age.

---more complex tales and thoughts tomorrow

Article trackback link:

1 comment:

Steve said...

I thought you may be interested in this:

It’s called called Queer Deviations. It’s a multi-authored blog for gays and lesbians. It’s catered to those living with either a physical or mental illness; or a substance abuse issue. It serves as a place for writers to discuss their problems. It also benefits readers, who may be experiencing similar concerns. If you feel this sort of blog matches your interests, & would like to contribute; leave a comment on the blog.
